Covid 19

Safe Working

We are hitting the restart button and here is how we will be safe working going forward when entering your home:-

We will maintain distance between you & ourselves upon arrival, currently, 2 metres were possible. (This will be monitored & adapted as per government guidance).

We will go straight to the floor areas we are going to work on and close the door behind us.

We will wear appropriate PPE when engaging with you, i.e. mask.

We will wear latex gloves if we have to open/close doors then dispose of them, if we do touch a doorknob without gloves we will spray the doorknob with anti-bac spray.

In respect of placing the work with ourselves, you have peace of mind that we have a small team and that means that when we arrive, we will stay on the job until it is completed, we will not be flitting from job to job which means we will not be coming into contact with numerous people, only people at the job and our immediate family, this way of working mitigates the risk of spreading COVID-19.